OHM Beadmas Day 9

And we have a winner, congratulations!

We are on day 9 already but the party is still going strong! I have a fun chalange for you today and a chance to win Tomte Gnome!

Beadmas is all about Ohmily from around the world and having fun! The winner will be picked at random and the prize will be sent directly from OHM HQ Seattle. You can comment below and the contest closes at Seattle midnight P.M.T. (09:00 hours C.E.T.). Have fun and good luck!

Tomte loves to travel and he accomanies me on holiday and fun trips!

My question for you is where would you like to take Tomte? It can be a real place or fictional, wherever you like to go! The only boundary is your own imagination!

Our favourite destination must be the beach!

81 thoughts on “OHM Beadmas Day 9

  1. I would take him to Italy, show him ancient Rome, beautiful Firenze (Florance), amazing Venice, We would hike to mountain Vesuvio:-)))

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  2. I would like to take Tomte everyday to work with me, so he/she can experience that everyday life has its own beauty, and that there is magic in daily life if you want to see it.

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  3. Tomte I’d see him in a great country. To live in an enchanted forest with fairies, gnomes and elves. Enchanted nature with dancing butterflies and jumping gnomes… Everything is colorful and magical😍

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  4. I would take him along with me when we travel to Bangkok to enjoy the Chinese new year in in january 2020. This would be a great Adventure for him.

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  5. I would take Tomte on an adventure in my garden. We would explore my vegetable garden, first trees and he could have a ride on the back of my dog for fun.

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  6. I would like to take Tomte to visit St. Peterburg, I am sure he will love the majestic architectures, the beautiful courtyards, the luxurious parks, and the museums.

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  7. I would take him on all my travels, and I travel around my country and the world a lot. Where would he be? Even know… maybe on the coast of Croatia?

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  8. I’ve always dreamed of vacationing in a glass igloo in Finland to see the northern lights! I think Tomte would enjoy this along with Ohm Gnome and his Ohmily gang!!! 🎄✨

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  9. Oh for sure I need him (or her) to come with me to Ireland in July. This will be My third trip to the motherland with my kids, friends and family. Both times we said it was our last trip there. We said that again this time. I’m so excited to go. Would love a gnome or two or three to come with 😊

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  10. With a gnome, go to the mines and help him look for precious and semiprecious stones. Most of all he dreamed of finding a diamond; because he had never seen him, but only heard in legends. Diamond, considered a magic stone. Finding him, the gnome would be happy!

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  11. I’d like to take him to Cancun Mexico in June to see my oldest son get married by the sunset. He can be part of the wedding when I get walked in as the grooms mother.

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  12. I dream to visit Australia. I’m sure this is the most extraordinary and incredible place on earth (if we’re talking about the real world, of course). I would be happy to go on this journey with Tomte!

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  13. I am a 6th generation farmer and manage two agritourism businesses, things have been tough these past two years because the weather hasn’t been conducive, such is the gamble of farming though, I could definitely use a little tomte gnome for luck and hopefully to ward off bad weather and hardships!

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    1. also I’m working on planning a trip to Colorado and then in the future plan to go to Ireland to see the place where my family immigrated from!

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  14. I would love to take OHM Tomte with me as I visit every National Park in the United States. The beauty of each park looks so diverse and breathtaking!

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  15. I would make a trip to Cape Town with Tomte and ask himto join me to dive in a cage sorounded by white sharks 😵😨🐟🐳, so we can prove we are so brave!!!

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  16. Tomte would be on hollidays with me in Brasil, drinking coconut water and caipirinha and learning dance samba.
    #ohmbeads #ohmily #beadmas2019

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  17. I would travel with tomte in the high north to observe the northern lights. In Alaska, Kanada or maybe Island. But I think all of them would be the best……..

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  18. I would take Tomte with me everywhere, always with me to keep me company and bring me luck. A place where I would like to go? In Romania, my Christmas country, I would go and visit my grandmother and spend some time with her ❤❤❤

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