OHM Beadmas Day 12

And we have a winner! Congratulations Lilyletourneur!

This is the twelfth and final day of Beadmas! And today you have a chance to win the gorgeous Butterflies bead!

Beadmas is all about connecting with Ohmily from around the world and having fun! The winner will be picked at random and the prize will be sent directly from OHM Seattle. You can comment below and the contest closes at Seattle midnight P.M.T. (09:00 hours C.E.T.). Have fun and good luck!

Butterflies are a beautiful symbol of summer! Warm lazy days sitting outside with a cold drink and see the birds and butterflies fly by!

Now that summer (and this year) truly is over my question for you is what is your favourite memory of summer? Holidays, barbeceus, beach, long summer nights?

I love a barbeque with fresh fruits like watermelon on a long summer night!

93 thoughts on “OHM Beadmas Day 12

  1. The memory I will always carry in my heart, so this year’s favorite is my father’s loving gaze. Even having a very serious pathology in his moments of lucidity he recognized me, looked at me softly and said “beautiful”… I loved him until the end of his days.

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  2. Favorite memory is late evenings in the gazebo at the parent’s house. Hot fire in a street fireplace. Long conversations with relatives. Enjoy your vacation. Barbecue and fresh vegetables, herbs and berries just from the garden)

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  3. My favourite memories are those of our trips to different countries. When I see this butterfly I have to think of our trip to Rhodes and the Valley of the Butterflies 🦋❤

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  4. This was my son’s first summer. Summer was remembered by the exploits of the baby. First smile. The first sample of fruits and berries 😌😇

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  5. The most vivid impression – a trip to St. Petersburg in the summer. White night. And a lot of cultural attractions.

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  6. Summer has only just begun on my side of the world, so we’re living it right now. I’m loving dips in the pool, juicy sweet mangoes & bbqs with the family.

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  7. My favourite part of summer is the part where you don’t have to do anything at all, and can relax! Being outdoors, enjoying the garden, plants and the little creatures that are busy in it, like bees and butterflies, that is what I like. O and a good yarn project while enjoying it of course!

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  8. On summer evenings I enjoyed meeting friends. We walked late, listening to crickets, admiring the full moon. And in general, in the summer everything is amazingly beautiful – the green of the trees, all kinds of flowers, butterflies, birds singing, ripening fruits and vegetables.

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  9. My best memories of this summer are the nights I spent near my princess, at home on vacation, when she slept or wanted milk, she is growing fast, time is running and these moments will never come back, the moments more beautiful are when I hug her and hold her to me, time stands still and there are only two of us. ❤❤❤👶🏻👶🏻👶🏻

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  10. My favourite memories are a trip to Dresden with my hubby. We had best hot weather, we enjoyed a great open air concert, stayed in a wonderful Hotel (with the best pizzy ever) and visited the Beautiful old town of Dresden. I really loved it.


  11. Summers mean sunshine, longer days, vacations and fun activities outside! Since the prize today is a butterfly charm, I just want to share that while we were visiting Southern California last year, we were caught up in the mass migration of the Painted Lady Butterflies. It was an amazing and beautiful sight as thousands of butterflies flew by!

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  12. I love summer! I love the fireflies in the evening and warm evenings so that we can sit out and admire the stars. Yes barbecues are great but I especially like the braii that they provide us in Botswana when we travel there (its a barbecue in their culture)! I love that we’re outdoors more!!!!

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  13. I love the summer nights, the warm temperatures and the feeling of wanting to stay up all day and night since it’s so warm and beautiful out. Love spending pool and beach days with friends and family. Looking forward to the Summer!!!

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  14. Summer is my favorite time of year! I love when warm!, I love when I am roasted by sunshine and looks in my eyes))) In summer it is best to walk because all the colors of the world are visible next to me! Flowers, butterflies, rainbow!! Everything bright and beautiful! This is the best time of the year! 🌞🌻🌈🍑 🍺😉

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  15. I spent summer with my beautiful kids by the sea in Croatia. Salt sea, hot weather, taste of ice-cream, delicious seafood and white sand in beach:-)))

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  16. The best part was sitting back and watching my grandson play in the yard.
    It was my great Danes last summer with us and I’ll treasure the moments of her grabbing the hose and spraying everyone. Her tearing up boxes and playing with water bottles. Her Goofy romps in the grass will be missed. I don’t know how I will be able to be out there without seeing that Goofy face.

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  17. I’m not a big fan of summer. I prefer the cold season… but I have a great memory of a summer in Brazil, eating rosted pineapple and drinking margaritas

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  18. like working together in the garden. When you work well, even sitting together on the bench is already nice. And when the heat subsides, dusk sets in and the songs of the nightingale are heard. This is indescribable! ..

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  19. the most vivid memory of the summer is a trip to Georgia! beautiful mountains, nature, people! delicious khachapuri, khinkali and wine! and sea!

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  20. Me and a phisiotherapy friend can’t walk very good, but we had a great time this summer going to beach. We walk as zombies on sand, lay under the parasol, go to water, fall down, get up, laught, go to water, try to go out,,,,, super wave,,,, try again, more laugh…. So much fun… We are considering to go a weekend somewhere ( island) just to have fun on the beach again 😁😁😁 #beadmas2019 #ohmbeads

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  21. Best summer memory this year – the birth of my new gorgeous grandson! Summer months full of all those wonderful first-time memories with this beautiful little man ❤

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  22. my favorite memory of the summer is can play with my friends, when I was a child, in the street after 6 p.m. because the sun still shines. It was wonderful! Thank you and OHm for this opportunity! merry Christmas 🙂

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  23. This summer I started a new routine, I woke up earlier and after breakfast I went everyday to have a long walk next to the sea. It makes me feel really good and positive. #beadmas2019

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  24. Summer is my favourite season, all is brigther and I love to wslk with my dog and look the people at the streets while eat some ice cream an sit a little. #beadmas2019 #ohmbeads

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  25. Hi! My favorite time during summer is swimming with my little girls anywhere we could, we would visit the beach & my friend’s pool! Being in the water is very comforting & calming to me.
    Happy last day of Beadmas!

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