OHM Majestic Vitality, Get Stacked, It’s Vegan, Fresh Squeezed, Sweet Essence, Epochal, Esoteric, Enigmatic and Grill Grid.

This is the OHM May release and there are some awesome new beads to look at!

I love the food beads and the new Rawr glass is stunning!

I am taking a closer look at these gorgeous silvers and glass beads! Many pictures you probably saw on Instagram and here are some new pictures with all the lovely details!

The most stunning and beautiful bead released this month has to be Majestic Vitality! A very big detailed gorgeous rose is stunning as a focal bead in any combination! And I already had so much fun with it!

Here are some of the bracelets I made. So many possibilities with this stunner!

This glass is called It’s Vegan, an opaque white glass with reddish brown swirling around it! Many years ago OHM made a glass called Bacon. This matches so well with the new It’s Vegan!

I put them all together on this bangle, my favourite design so far! I wear it all the time! The beads are Bacon, Beadmail 22 Bona Lisa, Nog, Painting The Roses Red, It’s Vegan, Majestic Vitality, Mulled, Beadmail 35 Love Path, Wood-ation, Beadmail 10 and Bark.

Another bracelet with Bacon, Wood-ation and It’s Vegan side by side.

A cute small cushion shaped white glass with four black stripes through it is Grill Grid.

With Grill Grid yet another bracelet with Majestic Vitality! Together with the new Rawr glass Epochal (left) and Enigmatic (right). The last cushion shaped glass is Be Scattered. On a Chunky bracelet with Lilyofthevalley-y clasp.

And here are the new Rawr glass beads, first is Epochal, a white, almost see through glass with a coating of sugary like finish.

Second is Enigmatic, a dark grey glass with the same finish.

And here is the third Rawr Esoteric, a reddish/brown glass.

I put the three on my Dinosaur bracelet with the other Rawr glass!

And this bangle with all the Luna phases fit perfectly with the feel of the glass! I already had a blind bag glass that goes very well with the new Rawr glass! This bangle has New Luna, Esoteric, Crescent Luna, Enigmatic, Quarter Lunar, blind bag glass, Gibbous Luna, Epochal and Luna 2.0.

All the Rawr glass also matches so well with the coastal glass series! I put them on the Dinosaur bracelet: Tide Pools, South Jetty and Driftwood Cove.

And last but not least the new food beads! Yummy is Get Stacked, a silver bead, a stack of pancakes covered in syrup! We all agreed this is an American portion!

To go with Get Stacked is this delicious looking glass Sweet Essence! An opaque white glass dripping in yummy syrup or honey! It is sooo gorgeous!

I could devour this in one go! Soo good!

To wash that all down this glass is Fresh Squeezed! A white base with bright orange lines across and little bits of yellow inside.

They all look so scrumptious on my food bracelet! Hungry Hippo knows what to do with that Get Stacked!

What a great release this month is, again! New additions to ongoing series and the designs are finger licking good! Bon appetit!

Disclosure: for this blog I may receive some items as promotional samples.

One thought on “OHM Majestic Vitality, Get Stacked, It’s Vegan, Fresh Squeezed, Sweet Essence, Epochal, Esoteric, Enigmatic and Grill Grid.

  1. Oh Trudy, what a vision you’ve conjured with the OHM May release!

    Thank you for sharing these combinations and detailed photos. We’re brimming with inspiration to craft new combinations with these stunning new beads!


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